A Programme of 3 Films “Love And Desire In Palestine”

A Programme of 3 Films "Love And Desire In Palestine"


25th Feb 2019    
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm


Home Cinema
Tony Wilson Place, Manchester, M15 4FN

Coinciding with the month of Valentine’s, Cinema Palestino and Creative Interruptions are showing three Palestinian films that explore experiences of romantic love, love of family and love of home when living under occupation and dispossession. Details of the Manchester show:

Monday 25 February 6.15 Home, 2 Tony Wilson Place, Manchester M15 4FN https://homemcr.org/  The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Nahed Awad.

Details of showings in Sheffield, Birmingham & Cardiff are below .

Love & Desire in Palestine – A5 Flyer


BONBONNE  Rakan Mayasi (Palestine, Lebanon) 15 mins

A Palestinian couple resorts to an unusual way to conceive as the husband is detained in an Israeli jail where visits are restricted. The film has won numerous awards, including the Best Short Film Award at the Moscow International Film Festival and the Gabes Film Festival, Tunisia

Rakan Mayasi is an independent  Palestinian filmmaker currently living in Lebanon. Born in Germany and raised in Jordan, Mayasi has trained across the world. He is currently making his first feature film.

CONDOM LEAD  Mohammed and Ahmad Abou Nasser (Palestine) 2103, 15mins

Playing on the name of the 2009 Israeli offensive on Gaza “Cast Lead”, the film explores the search for physical and psychological safety and equilibrium in the middle of war. Right when we need the healing power of intimacy the most, does love and the desire for intimacy become a dream?  The film was selected for Cannes in 2013.

Twins Mohammed and Ahmad Abou Nasser were born in the Gazastrip. Since making this first short, they have produced the feature drama Degrade (2015). They now live and work in Paris

GAZA CALLING dir Nahed Awwad, (Palestine, Switzerland, UAE) 2012, 64 min, .

Two families torn apart. They share the same “crime”: being registered with a Gaza address on their Identity Cards. Under Israeli rule, they are considered “infiltrators” in their own country.  Their lives have turned into a permanent struggle. Parents can only talk to their sons on the phone; sisters can only see their brothers on the internet – mothers and their children fighting to be together at last…

Nahed Awwad is an independent filmmaker. Who has worked in the industry since 1997.  In 2002 she started directing her own films, making a mixture of experimental, short and feature length documentaries. To date she has released 8 films.

Details of Other Showings

Cardiff –  Wednesday 13 February  7 pm SKLP Samaj Community Centre, Mardy Street, Cardiff CF11 6QT in partnership with Gentle Radical www.gentleradical.org  Q&A with Shahd Abusalama and others

Birmingham – Thursday 14 February 7pm   Midland Arts Centre, Birmingham in partnership with West Midlands PSC, plus Q&A

Sheffield – Sunday 24 February 4pm Showroom, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX https://www.showroomworkstation.org.uk/    The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Nahed Awad