Boycott Puma Day Of Action – Time To Act

Boycott Puma Day Of Action - Time To Act


10th Jul 2021    
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Canada House
Chepstow Street, Manchester, M1 5FW

Event Type

On Saturday 10th July, we will be holding a demonstration outside Puma’s Manchester offices at Canada House, Chepstow Street, Manchester, M1 5FW from 12:00.
Join us and add your voice to support BDS and protest Israeli Apartheid. The protest at Puma’s Manchester offices will be followed by a march to Piccadilly Gardens, demonstrating outside sports shops along the route.
Israel is only able to continue its system of apartheid because of the complicity of the international community and major corporations. Puma is guilty of lending its brand to sport wash Israeli crimes committed against Palestinians. This is why we #BoycottPuma.
Ignoring global calls from human rights activists and Palestinians, Puma continues to sponsor the Israel Football Association – which includes illegal settlement teams playing on stolen Palestinian land. Over 200 Palestinian sports teams have written to Puma asking them to stop endorsing Israeli apartheid.
We know from previous campaigns that protesting in the street, and causing visible brand damage to complicit companies like Puma, makes a real difference. The #BoycottPuma movement has been growing internationally, but we need you to add your voice next Saturday.
Supported by:
Manchester Palestine Action, People for Palestine Manchester,  Manchester Youth for Palestine, Campaign, Manchester Stands, BDS UoM, Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine, Palestinian Forum In Britain (Manchester), Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition, Greater Manchester Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,
Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign