Ferranti2 At Crown Court (legal Arguments)

Ferranti2 At Crown Court (legal Arguments)


17th Jan 2023    
9:30 am - 4:30 pm


Manchester Crown Court
Minshull Street, Manchester, M1 3FS

Event Type

The full trial will be help on Tuesday January 17th 2023 and this is the legal arguments day.

Please come and support the Elbit Two who started off the year of direct action which closed down Elbit in Oldham (February 2021 to January 2022). Two whole years later they are facing charges in the Crown Court in Manchester – when it is the Israeli arms factory Elbit who should be in the dock.

Drop the Charges not the Bombs!

Support the Palestine Action activists!

Please do circulate and come and join us. With the government trying to pass even more laws to prevent protest generally, we must all continue to protest and to support those who take action – shut down Elbit and free Palestine !

You can read the original Palestine Action press release here:


Come to show your solidarity on Friday 17th January 2023. Gather from 09.30 a.m. at Manchester Crown Court, Minshull Street, Manchester, M1 3FS.

Supported by:
Manchester Palestine Action
Youth Front for Palestine
Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign
United 4 Palestine
Manchester Youth For Palestine
Palestinian Forum
Muslim Association of Britain
Palestinian Community Group
Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine
Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition
Greater Manchester CND
People for Palestine
Jewish Voice For Labour
Oldham Peace and Justice

