Making Money From Murder: The case for an arms embargo against Israel.


16th Oct 2014    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Friends Meeting House
6 Mount Street, behind Central Library, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M2 5NS

Dave and Bibi

The recent Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip (“Operation Protective Edge”) have highlighted the need to lobby the British Government to stop selling arms to Israel. This country sells £7,879 million worth of arms to Israel (according to the UK Governments’ “Scrutiny of Arms Exports and Arms Controls (2014)”).   Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit Systems, is part of the U-TACS partnership manufacturing the Watchkeeper drone for the UK Ministry of Defence. Elbit boasts that these drones have been “battle tested” (i.e. used to kill Palestinians!!!). In July of this year members of London Palestine Action occupied the roof of Elbit-owned UAV Engines in Staffordshire to highlight its role in the arms trade between the UK and Israel.   Speakers from London Palestine Action, CND, Manchester PSC, and CAAT (subject to confirmation) will explore the scale of the arms trade with Israel & what action can be taken to stop it.