Protest: Hands Off Jerusalem – FreePalestine

Protest: Hands Off Jerusalem - FreePalestine


8th Dec 2017    
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


U.S. President Donald Trump’s has announced the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv thereby recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This decision goes against against the entire international consensus on Jerusalem. No other  nation state recognises Jerusalem  as Israel’s capital.  All foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv.

Following  the occupation of  the West Bank including east Jerusalem in  1967 Israel illegally annexed East Jerusalem in 1980.  This illegal annexation violated several principles under international law as an occupying power does not have sovereignty over the territory it occupies.

There are now over 650,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank of whom a third live in East Jerusalem.

Join the ‘Hands Off Jerusalem’ protest this Friday evening beginning at University of Manchester and marching to Piccadilly gardens.

Supported by Manchester Palestine Action (MPA) Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Manchester Palestinian Forum (PFB), Friends of Al Aqsa (FOA), Stop the War Coalition (STW), Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).