Speaker: Chris Cole is a researcher and activist. He is co-author of Convenient Killing: Armed Drones and the Playstation Mentality, secretary of the UK Drones Campaign Network and maintains the respected Drone Wars UK website
Over the past five years there has been a massive rise in the use of armed unmanned drones, often controlled from thousands of miles away, to launch deadly airstrikes. While supporters of drones say they are a ‘precise’ and ‘pinpoint’ accurate weapons, in Pakistan, Gaza , Afghanistan and Yemen, hundreds, perhaps thousands of innocent civilians have been killed.
Some argue that drones are no different from other weapons but the reality is that drones are making the option of resorting to war much easier, and although the drone wars era has just started, already there have been drones strikes by US, UK and Israeli forces in at least ten countries.
Drones are a real risk to international peace and security and eroding the laws of war. Come and learn more about drones, how they are being used and what is planned for the future. Together we can Ground the Drones!
Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.
7pm, Thursday 17th October 2013
Supported by CND, Manchester PSC, Manchester StopTheWar,Drones Campaign Network