Public Meeting: Oldham’s Israeli Arms Factory and How to Stop it

Public Meeting: Oldham's Israeli Arms Factory and How to Stop it


5th Jul 2018    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Oldham Unitarian Chapel & One World Centre 
Connaught Street, Off King's Street Roundabout, Oldham, OL8 1EB

Public meeting in Oldham to demand an end to the arms production at the Israeli Arms Factory Elbit-Ferranti in Waterhead, Oldham

Thursday 5th July at 7pm

Unitarian Chapel & One World Centre
Connaught Street
Off King’s Street Roundabout,
Oldham OL8 1EB

Jacqui Burke: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Norma Turner: Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Huda Ammori: Palestinian activist from the University of Manchester Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
Waqas Shabir: Manchester Palestine Action and the International Solidarity Movement

Public Meeting called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Manchester Palestine Action, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, &  Campaign Against Arms Trade

News report from last year’s demonstration in the Oldham Chronicle:

News report from the action from last week in the Oldham Times:


The Israeli army have shot over 3000 protesters in Gaza in the last few weeks with live ammunition including press, medics and many children. They have killed over a hundred. Amnesty International have called for an international arms Embargo with Israel. Gaza a population that is mostly children, under Israeli siege and suffering 3 major bombing campaigns in the last ten years, under Israeli military occupation for 50 years and according to the UN will be in a state that is “unliveable” with only 5 percent of water fit to drink and denied electricity by the Israeli authorities for 21 hours each day.

We will be releasing a Report on the Activities at the Elbit Ferranti Factory and announcing the forming of a new Oldham Peace Group who could lead on the campaign in Oldham, with support from groups in Manchester and beyond. There is a demonstration planned on 7th July in Oldham for the 4 year anniversary of the Israeli bombings of Gaza in 2014 that killed 2200 people including over 500 children in 50 days.

The public meeting will have a discussion and Q & A. Please invite anyone who may be interested.