Category Archives: Events

Meeting: Rogue State-Israeli’s Human Rights Violations and Ongoing Impunity

16th Nov 2017 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

A  Talk by Ben White

Synopsis:  Israel is a rogue state – a serial violator of international law and human rights. These systematic violations and abuses are only possible because of the impunity Israel enjoys. Until there is accountability, Israel will continue to consolidate an apartheid one-state reality.

Ben White is a writer, journalist, researcher, and activist, specialising in Palestine/Israel. He has published two books, ‘Israeli Apartheid: A Continue reading Meeting: Rogue State-Israeli’s Human Rights Violations and Ongoing Impunity

Justice Now: Make It Right For Palestine – National March And Rally

Join us on Saturday 4 November to make it right for Palestine!

Assemble 12 noon Grosvenor Square W1K 6LF London

For the past 100 years Palestinian rights have been disregarded. As we are demanding justice and equal rights for Palestinians now.

Speakers at the rally:

Dr Mustafa Barghouti / Ken Loach / Andy Slaughter MP / Mick Whelan General Secretary ASLEF / Gail Cartmail TUC / Matt Wrack General Secretary FBU / Margaret McKee President Unison / John Pilger / Senator Paul Gavan Sinn Fein / Leanne Mohamad / Hugh Lanning PSC / Reem Kelani / Philipa Harvey NEU-NUT Section / Daoud Abdalah BMI / Ajmal Masrour Imam & broadcaster / Prof Manuel Hassassian / Tariq Ali / Salma Yacoub / Dave Randall / Hawiyya Dance Company / John Nicolson SNP – And many more to be announced.

Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC),  Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB),  Friends of Al Aqsa (FOA), Stop the War Coalition (STW), Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).

Supported by Unite the Union, UNISON, National Education Union- NUT Section, GMB, ASLEF, RMT, FBU, UCU, PCS, CWU, Europal Forum, Pax Christi, APCUK, Kairos UK, Friends of Sabeel UK, ICAHD UK, Amos Trust, APCUK.


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4th Nov 2017 12:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, London , W1K 6LF

Protest: Balfour Celebration Meeting at The University Of Manchester

31st Oct 2017 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm Whitworth Building, Oxford Road, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL

The University of Manchester  will be hosting an event co-organised by the Israeli embassy and the Zionist Federation, to celebrate 100 years since the Balfour Declaration on Tuesday 31st October at 7.30pm. Although not yet made public, this event is planned to be held in the Whitworth Building and will be one of these main national “Celebration” events for Balfour. This comes after the recently exposed collaboration between the University of Manchester Vice Chancellor Nancy Rothwell and various Pro-Israel groups including the Israeli Embassy.

Students societies have  called a protest a protest outside the event on Tuesday evening 31st of October, 6:30pm. Called by University of Manchester BDS Society, it is supported by Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Manchester Palestine Action, Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine and the Boycott Israel Network. The event details are here.

Please note that the meeting may be relocated so please check emails or event Facebook close to the date for any changes.

31st Oct 2017 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm Whitworth Building, Oxford Road, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL

The Wrong Kind of Jew

Talk by Robert Cohen – former senior broadcast journalist with BBC Radio 5 Live and writer in Mondoweiss and other publications.

Event Leaflet pdf

A hundred years ago this November, Arthur Balfour committed the British government to ’the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people’. His ‘declaration’ was welcomed by the still-young Zionist movement.

But why were so many Jews at the time opposed to Balfour, and to Zionism?

And why has the Chief Rabbi lately called Zionism ‘one of the axioms of Jewish belief’?

Robert Cohen is one of this country’s leading dissident Jewish voices. He writes and speaks with great insight into both the history of Britain’s Jewish community and the range of opinions within it today.

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19th Oct 2017 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, behind Central Library, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M2 5NS



21st Sept 2017 7:00 – 9:00 pm Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, behind Central Library, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M2 5NS Event Leaflet pdf

David Cronin will be presenting his new book Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel , recently reviewed by Robert Fisk in the Independent.

Britain’s support for the Zionist project is arguably far more tangible today than it was 100 years ago. Continue reading BOOK LAUNCH: BALFOUR’S SHADOW: