Our Strength Lies In The Justice Of Our Cause: A discussion and celebration of activism and commitment.
16th Apr 2015 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, behind Central Library, Manchester
This meeting is to celebrate people who dedicate their lives to fighting for peace and justice. We will hear from three such people:
Linda Claire whose 70th birthday we are celebrating today. (There will be cake!). Born in Manchester in 1945, she has been involved in left-wing politics all her life. Motivated by racist attacks on the Asian communities, she joined the CPGB in 1975. Linda’s trip to Palestine in 1986 changed her life. She joined PSC and was chair of Manchester PSC for 20 years.
Betty Tebbs age 97; lifetime activist for peace, socialism and women’s rights. She started work in a paper mill aged 14, quickly learning about inequality (finding that a lad the same age was paid more than her). She joined the union straight away and has been an active trade unionist all her working life, campaigning for equal pay for work of equal value.
Musheir El-Farra is the chair of Sheffield PSC. He was born in 1961 in Khan Younis, southern Gaza. He is a political and human rights activist, a public speaker and author of “Gaza: When The Sky Rained White Fire”. He has campaigned for justice for the Palestinians all his life.
In 2008/9, 2012, and again in 2014 Palestinians were massacred in Gaza and millions took to the streets in protest. These protests have now dwindled to small numbers of people, even though things continue to get worse for the Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation. The Israeli bombs will rain down again. How do we keep people fighting against injustice when their day-to-day lives are hard enough? Hear how the solidarity and love between comrades and activists fighting for justice gives us all strength.