Full Arms Embargo on Israel Now 

Stop Arming Israel! All out this Saturday 14th September in St Peter’s Square, 12pm!

337 days.
48 weeks.
11 months.

This is how long Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected to genocide by Israel. Over 40,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered, more than 20,000 being children. Palestinian livelihoods have been destroyed; their homes and families ripped apart. The sight of limbs has now become commonplace on the streets of Gaza.

18 years.

This is how long Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected to a brutal siege, wherein the land, air, sea and sky are controlled by Israel. Even prior to October 7th, Palestinians in Gaza were being killed, starved, denied freedom of movement and forced to suffer skyrocketing poverty and unemployment. For decades, they have endured slow suffocation. Now, their rapid slaughter is being live-streamed.

76 years.

This is how long Palestinians across Occupied Palestine have been subjected to the relentless Zionist settler-colonial entity, propped up by its colonial brethren, Britain and USA. Palestine is being decimated by artillery created on British soil. Britain’s active participation in apartheid, oppression and genocide is clearer than ever.

£500 million.

This is the minimum value of arms exports funnelled into the Zionist regime by Britain since 2008. Britain’s own legislation, namely the Strategic Export Licensing Criteria, states arms export licences must not be issued if there is a “clear risk” exports might be used in a “serious violation of international humanitarian law”.

Recently, Britain suspended just 30 of 350 arms export licences to Israel and amended its Open General Export Licence policy to exclude direct exports to Israel. Make no mistake, this changes nothing. Only a full and permanent arms embargo will lead to effective change. We must reject performative action. We must end the free-flow of Palestinian blood within British economy once and for all.

Rise up. Join us on Saturday 14th September in St Peter’s Square, 12pm!

Stand With The #Ferranti3

Come to show your solidarity with these brave individuals on from 09.30 a.m. September 30th to October 4th 2024, at Manchester Crown Court, Minshull Street, Manchester, M1 3FS.

In June 2021, two activists from Palestine Action occupied and destroyed equipment in the Elbit Ferranti factory, causing an alleged £500,000 of damage.

They’ll be facing down Israel’s arms trade as they battle against charges of criminal damage and burglary. Mobilise outside Manchester Crown Court from 9.30AM on the 30th September and every day of the scheduled five day trial.

You can read the original Palestine Action press release here:


Even though Elbit Oldham is no more, we must continue to mobilise to show our support for the activists who were arrested and are facing court proceedings.

NOTE: These court cases are being postponed, rescheduled or cancelled at very short notice, so please keep watching our Facebook page and other social media channels for last minute changes.

Full Israeli Arms Embargo Now

Please find below the information about the next protest in Oldham – Wednesday 11th September 2024 4.30 to 5.30pm Oldham Peace Gardens OL1 1HA

Please bring banners and flags if you can. Now more than ever we need to keep the protests determined, peaceful and help us all keep our focus. We are also there for each other – the situation in Gaza and the West Bank is so distressing that we need to come together to make our voices heard.

A few things to consider:

Those of you who were there last week know that someone attended the event with the sole intent of disrupting the protest. This is similar to what has happened on other protests over this last year and occasionally at the Elbit/Ferranti protests in the past .

Oldham Peace and Justice is a Peace Group. Our focus at the moment is on Palestine.

Our approach is one of non-engagement, non- provocation and non-escalation. We are also aware of the importance of keeping everyone safe. Provocateurs that try and disrupt the protests are looking for a reaction which they will record and use against us.
We are determined to continue our campaigning in Oldham.

To this end – there will be stewards at the vigils who will keep an eye on everything and act if necessary. We will be emphasising the following at the beginning of the gathering:

Oldham Peace and Justice

  1. We campaign in Oldham for Peace and Justice
  2. We call for an end to Genocide in Palestine
  3. We call for a Ceasefire in Gaza Now
  4. We call for the UK Government to Stop Arming Israel
  5. We do not respond to hate
  6. We keep each other safe

In peace,
Oldham Peace and Justice