Forthcoming Solidarity Events and Activities ( 9th – 21st August)

  • The daily picket at Kedem continues daily 12 to 6 .  Details below.
  •  National Demonstration, Saturday 9th August Stop the War is sending a coach. Details below.

  •  Open Microphone Piccadilly Gardens 12 noon for rolling picket. Saturday 9th August
  •  Barclays Saturday 9th August 11am contact Norma for details 07903668500
  • Sunday 10th August Fund Raiser for Medical Aid to Palestine “Sing Our Song for Gaza” 7 while 12 at Antwerp Mansion, Rusholme.  Details posted below Facebook
  • Wednesday 13th August Manchester Palestine Action are holding a meeting for people currently involved in actions to learn more about Gaza and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaigns. Friends Meeting House, Mount street  Manchester at 7-9pm.
  • Thursday 21st August Manchester Palestine solidarity Campaign discussion group public meeting on BDS. Friends Meeting House, Mount street  Manchester at 7-9pm.