All posts by GMFP Developer

Global Call To Boycott Israel 

All out for Palestine this Saturday 12pm at St. Peter’s Square in Manchester!

Although temporarily the bombs have stopped falling in the Gaza Strip, we cannot put our solidarity on pause while Gaza remains under siege and in dire humanitarian need. Zionist soldiers are still on Gaza’s streets and in the West Bank the vicious campaign of murders, arrests, and ethnic cleansing continue.

We celebrate the release of Palestinian women and children from the brutal zionist jails where they have faced the worst torture and inhuman conditions. It is a victory hard won by the people of Gaza and their resistance. While we must continue to highlight the devastation, we must not forget that liberation is near.

Our front in the struggle is the boycott movement. We can and must mobilise to break the links between Britain and the zionist occupation; this is the most meaningful expression of international solidarity. Join us Saturday 12pm to demand an end to British complicity in Israeli war crimes.

Honour the martyrs of Palestine and join us on Saturday to demand: Boycott Israel! Free all Palestinian political prisoners now!

Lobby GM Pension Fund!

This Friday 1st December there’s a management panel meeting of Greater Manchester Pension Fund who invest in companies complicit in the Israeli occupation at Guardsman Tony Downes House, Manchester Road, Droylesden M43 6SF .

Please join the lobby outside at 9.30am calling on the pension fund to divest.

All local government employees pay into this fund so they should have a say where the money is invested. We will be joining our comrades from the fossil fuel divestment campaign. Demand ethical investments now!

All out for the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians!

Join us on Wednesday 29th November at 2pm to take action against Fisher German, landlords for Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms company. Elbit produces 85% of the IOF’s drone fleet and 85% of its land-based military equipment. With factories in Britain, Elbit is supplying the zionist forces with the tools to commit genocide, and Fisher German is profiting from the blood.

True solidarity means taking our anger and transforming it into effective boycotts. There is no greater target than the arms trade which is fuelling this genocide, and those who facilitate it. Let it be made clear: no one can support genocide and get away with it.

Join us to take action on Wednesday and demand Fisher German: Evict Elbit! Cut your ties! Stop Supporting Genocide!

Remember the children of Gaza!

Over 13,300 Palestinian murdered, thousands missing, nearly half are children.

The people of Oldham will not remain silent, when Gaza is wiped off the map. We will not remain silent, when Genocide is taking place.

Join Oldham Peace and Justice at King St Roundabout at 4.30pm – 5.30pm.