Global Day of Action to boycott Puma – PROTEST ISRAEL’S MASSACRE IN JENIN

Demonstration 12pm this Saturday 24th June in Piccadilly Gardens:

5 more Palestinians have just been murdered by Israel in Jenin refugee camp in the first bombing by a combat helicopter in the West Bank since the second intifada in 2005. A 15 year old boy Ahmed Saqr was one one of those killed and among the 91 injured was a 15 year old girl shot in her house.

Israel cannot get away with these crimes without international support.

This Saturday is the global day of action to boycott Puma for their sponsorship of Apartheid Israel’s Football Association (IFA).

The IFA incorporate 6 Israeli teams in illegal West Bank settlements. Israel meanwhile has regularly bombed, murdered, maimed and imprisoned Palestinian sportsmen, women and youth. It is time to act during this crucial time as Puma are negotiating to renew their contract with Israel.Please share and get as many out in Manchester as possible to protest Israel’s ongoing atrocities in Palestine and to break the kill chain between High Street companies like Puma and Israel’s brutal murder and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Bring flags, placards, noise and yourselves! 📣📣🇵🇸🇵🇸


Supported by:
Manchester Palestine Action
Youth Front for Palestine
Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign
United 4 Palestine
Manchester Youth For Palestine
Palestinian Forum
Muslim Association of Britain
Palestinian Community Group
Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine
Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition
Greater Manchester CND
People for Palestine
Jewish Voice For Labour
Oldham Peace and Justice