EMWAS (52 mins) dir Dima Abu Ghosh

SUNDAY 31 MAY 17.00hrs (UK)

This event was originally scheduled to take place on 17 May, but had to be postponed due to a worldwide malfunction of Zoom.  This event will now take place on  Sunday 31st May at 1700. If you registered for 17th May, there is no need to re-register. 

Post screen discussion with director Dima Abu Ghosh; John Nicholson (Stop the JNF campaign); Anandi Ramamurthy (Cinema Palestino)


Tickets are free but please book via Eventbrite:

To commemorate the Nakba, we will remember the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages beyond 1948. In 1967, on the second day of the 1967 war, Dima Abu Ghosh was forced to flee her village, along with all its inhabitants, when she was two years old. None of the villagers was ever able to return. After demolishing Emwas and a neighbouring village, the Israeli government turned the area into a public park called the Canada Park. The film follows the journey of the director, Dima Abu Ghosh, as she brings the demolished village to life and rebuilds her demolished hometown through a model, to restore the memories of its inhabitants and their dreams.

Following the screening we will discuss the film with director Dima Abu Ghosh. We will also be joined by John Nicholson from Stop the JNF campaign. The development of Canada Park, on the demolished villages, was supported by the Jewish National Fund (JNF). JNF still hold charitable status in the UK. But how can such ethnic cleansing be classed as a charitable act?


Tickets are free but please book via Eventbrite