March 30th will be the 1st anniversary of the start of the Gaza Return March. March 30th is also Palestinian Land Day.
Palestinians have issued a call for international action on the day.
Join the protest on Saturday 30th March at 12 noon.
We will be demanding an end to the siege of Gaza and the right of return for Palestinians.
No new Nakba !
End the Siege of Gaza!
Defend the Right of Return!
March 30th is Palestinian Land Day – when Palestinians across the world remember the unarmed protesters killed by Israel in 1976 during demonstrations about Israel’s theft of Palestinian land. This year, March 30th also marks the the 1st anniversary of the start of the Great Return March. These ongoing protests, taking place every single Friday, have seen thousands of Palestinians demonstrating for their right of return to their villages and homes from which they were forcibly removed. Many have been irreversibly injured and even killed for doing so by Israeli snipers.
So join us on Saturday March 30th at 12 noon to show support for the Palestinian people and their rights to EXIST, RESIST & RETURN!
#FreePalestine #ExistResistReturn

30th Mar 2019 12 noon Piccadilly Gardens, City Centre, Manchester.