Trafford Council Dumps Veolia after 20 years!

Veolia have lost their lucrative contract for environmental services with Trafford Council worth approaching 3 million per year (233,667 per month). See MEN report below

Members of the Manchester PSC branch living in Trafford lobbied councillor’s over the past 4 years calling for Trafford to exclude Veolia from the tendering process for the renewal. Whilst this did not happen, Veolia have lost the contract that they have held for more than 20 Continue reading Trafford Council Dumps Veolia after 20 years!

General Election Hustings on Palestine

 7pm, Thursday 19th March 2015

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS (behind the Central Library).

Manchester PSC invited representatives from various political parties, standing in either the General or Council Elections, to come and explain how they would support Palestinian human rights if elected in May.

After Israel’s attacks on Gaza last summer, this is an issue concerning many voters.

Come to Friends Meeting House to hear them talk about:

*Urging the UK Government to uphold the principles of equality, human rights and international law in all its relations and dealings with Israel. *The blockade of Gaza. *Banning the construction of Israeli settlements, and the wall, on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. *Suspending the EU Israel Association Agreement until Israel meets its human rights obligations. *The recognition of Palestine by the next UK Government. *Banning trade with Israel’s settlements on Palestinian land, and stopping settlement goods being sold in Britain. *The arms trade between the UK and Israel.

E-mail your local candidates here:


Tom Hurndall Tenth Memorial Lecture – Dismantling Racism and Colonialism

Speaker: Rania Masri

Associate Director of the Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship at the American University of Beirut

Title: Dismantling Racism and Colonialism

Wednesday 4 March 2015, 6.00-8.00

Lecture Theatre C0.14, John Dalton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13

“The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign has become a powerful, global, and de-centralized movement in a relatively short Continue reading Tom Hurndall Tenth Memorial Lecture – Dismantling Racism and Colonialism

Public Meeting: Palestine & Israel – Where Are We and Where Are We Headed?

Ruth Edmonds, ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions)

19:00-21:00 Thursday 26th February 2015

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS (behind the Central Library).

Ruth will speak about being an Israeli Jewish activist struggling against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Looking at the general picture in Palestine and the infrastructure which makes up the Matrix of Control which lies behind Israel’s occupation of Palestine, she will then focus on the subject of Global Palestine and how the development of the Matrix Continue reading Public Meeting: Palestine & Israel – Where Are We and Where Are We Headed?