Trafford Council Dumps Veolia after 20 years!

Veolia have lost their lucrative contract for environmental services with Trafford Council worth approaching 3 million per year (233,667 per month). See MEN report below

Members of the Manchester PSC branch living in Trafford lobbied councillor’s over the past 4 years calling for Trafford to exclude Veolia from the tendering process for the renewal. Whilst this did not happen, Veolia have lost the contract that they have held for more than 20 years

For more information on local government contracts with Veolia see

the campaign to dump Veolia see

Manchester Evening News Report 24 March 2105

REVEALED: Trafford Council Announces Amey as successful ‘super contract’ bidder for privatised council services

By Todd Fitzgerald

A ‘super contract’ privatising a huge swathe of Trafford Council services has been given to the giant company Amey.

The deal agreed by Trafford is considered a ground-breaking move for a town hall.

After a year of work, council chiefs announced the firm will be responsible for the next 23 years in delivering services costing £12m a year.

Bosses will be responsible for services including bins, street cleaning, street lighting, parks maintenance, drainage, corporate landlord services and major projects.

Amey will take over domestic and commercial waste from Veolia, who have emptied bins in the borough since 1992.

Amey currently deals with bin collections and street lighting for Manchester council.