Public Meeting: The British Left and Zionism: History of a Divorce

Talk by Paul Kelemen

When in March this year Ed Miliband declared that he ‘has huge respect for what Israel does’, he followed  a long line of Labour party leaders. But why has the Labour party  been such a staunch supporter of Israel?

And what has been the position of the other political forces within the British Left?

These are the main questions that Paul Kelemen examines in his book The British Left and Zionism, History of a Divorce (Manchester University Press, 2012) and  on which he will be speaking.

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.

7pm, Thursday 19th September 2013

British Left and Zionism

Copies of the book will be on sale at the meeting.

For more information contact Linda on 07985 624968