Stop Gaza genocide. Free the 12000 Palestinian prisoners

No more statistics and counting the days, and no more outlining the horrors Israel is committing in Gaza.

What haven’t they committed in front of our eyes?

The most unimaginable things, and yet this goes on, with our establishments fueling more money and arms into the Zionist murder machinery, and further silencing the pro-Palestinian voices.

As part of our fight for Gaza and Palestine, we must always remember Palestinian political prisoners, the over 5000 that have been behind bars for years, and the over 7000 arrested since 07 October from all over Palestine, including more than 1000 from Gaza.

The escalating Israeli brutality towards Palestinians has also meant subjecting Palestinian prisoners to even more heightened forms of torture, humiliations, confiscation of property, starvation, and sexual abuse.

12 prisoners have died inside Israeli custody during the last 5 months, the latest being the 74-year-old Ahmad Qudeih from Gaza who was arrested from Khan Younis on 07 February and tortured to death inside prison.

The bodies of these prisoners are held captive by the Israeli authorities, a well-known tactic (taken from the British colonial rule) to prevent families from bidding farewell and later using the bodies as bargaining chips.

The fate of many of those arrested from Gaza since 07 October, including children, remains a mystery as Israel tries to erase Palestinians in the dark.

Prisoners have also been prevented from family and lawyer visits, keeping the families under constant fear for their loved ones, and further isolating the prisoners from the outside world.

This makes our voices even more crucial. We should be as loud and clear as possible from here to Palestine: free Palestinian prisoners, free Gaza and free all of Palestine!

Our commitment is towards the oppressed. It is towards the Palestinian people who have been under colonial violence for more than 75 years, and we fight with them for liberation.

Palestinian political prisoners have been the backbone of this struggle, and Gaza is the world’s gate to justice and freedom. So join us on Saturday 09 March, 12:00pm, Piccadilly Gardens.