Join the phone blockade tomorrow Wednesday 28/02/24 against both BNY Mellon offices in Manchester. BNY Mellon invests over $10 million in Elbit Systems, israel’s worse weapons manufacturer. Please follow the links below to see guidance on how to take part.

We have been relentlessly challenging local ties to the israeli regime and genocide of the Palestinian people. Our in person action is vital in challenging these genocide profiteers, but it is essential that we maintain consistent pressure on them even when we cannot be there in person.

BNY Mellon continues to invest over $10 million in Elbit Systems and we must continue to disrupt them to show that there can be NO BUSINESS AS USUAL.

On Wednesday, we will be running an all day phone blockade of both of their Manchester offices. We have put together clear instructions on how to take part in this, and we are asking you to fill in at least one 15 minute slot in the day to jam their phone lines and disrupt their shameful business.

Please follow the links below to see guidance on how to take part.

We’ve put together a schedule so we can maximise disruption through the day. If you’re able to please fill in any time slots you can do by typing in an alias for yourself. However we encourage you to ring whenever you are available to increase our numbers + ramp up the pressure!

Guidance for BNY Mellon phone blockade Wednesday 28/02: https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/3Girthv55W8CioN2rRlE3Rm9gpHYT86JFlr3XOEIsHE/embed/

Time Slots for BNY Mellon phone blockade Wednesday 28/02: https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/+Qdw1NndNsYDPzIRqdOusGP9/embed/