Contact Your MP – Gaza

People have asked MPSC about the lawfulness of what Israel is currently doing to Palestinians.

Many of our supporters rightly want to hold their MPs to account. We hope that some of the following might help us to write directly to all our elected representatives.

You can also encourage your MP to sign the Early Day Motion (EDM 1685) Protecting civilians in Gaza and Israel – Early Day Motions – UK Parliament

The Law

Here are some legal responses that can be quoted.

  1. The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers produced a statement on the conflict. They condemn what amounts to collective punishment and “expressly condemn Sir Keir [Starmer]’s uncritical endorsement of Israeli war crimes as deeply irresponsible, and as undermining international law”.  Their statement can be found here:
  1. The Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) has also published a legal briefing, specifically on the starvation of civilians in Gaza. It can be read here:
  1. And the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) has written a notice of intention to prosecute any UK politicians that are aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza. The relevant notice for Labour is here:

Labour’s Position

Starmer’s endorsement of war crimes has been described in Middle East Eye.

Meanwhile Labour has formulated a standard reply for their MPs to send to anyone making an inquiry of their attitude to Israel’s onslaught on Gaza (and, incidentally, the West Bank too) –

———- Example email response message ———
From: MP    
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 09:19
Subject: Israel and the humanitarian situation in Gaza (Case Ref: AW4780)

Good morning
I write to you as one of many constituents who have contacted me following the terrorist atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel. In launching this attack Hamas have ended any chances of a just solution to the Middle East conflict any time soon. They do not represent the Palestinian people and I condemn their actions in the strongest terms.
Israel has every right to defend its people in line with international law but the indiscriminate use of violence against civilians is utterly abhorrent. Hamas must release all hostages, many of which are children and elderly people, immediately and humanitarian assistance must be allowed to reach the people of Gaza and access to food, water, electricity and medicines facilitated. I am very concerned indeed about the humanitarian situation on the ground in Gaza. Given that evacuation has started, there should be safe corridors within Gaza, and my colleague David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary is calling on the UN, NGOs and the UK government to do everything possible to ensure that civilians in Gaza can be protected.
I condemn the unacceptable use of violence against civilians in all circumstances, and I believe it is truly appalling that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, continue to be innocent victims in this conflict.

We must not allow these tragic events to divide our communities. The Community Safety Trust and the Metropolitan Police have reported a steep increase in antisemitic incidents in recent days, including abuse and assaults. Tell Mama has reported a tripling of cases to their services within the last six days, including reports of Islamophobia threats, abuse and assaults. I denounce hate crime in the strongest terms and expect to see a robust response to all incidents of hate associated with the conflict, and call on government to play their part in preventing an escalation of tensions

As events develop, I can assure you that my Labour colleagues and I will continue to press the Government to work with international partners to secure an end to hostilities. We remain committed to a two-state solution, in which a sovereign and viable Palestinian state exists alongside a safe and secure Israel. I desperately hope that this can become possible again.

Best wishes

Labour Member of Parliament for (constituency)

Email your MP – Gaza

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