Elbit System has sold Ferranti Technology power and control business in Oldham Waterhead to UK company TT-Electronics, whose head office is in Woking, Surrey. This comes after over 5 years of campaigning starting with regular street stall in Oldham Town centre to raise awareness, moving on to protests, vigils and demonstrations outside the factory, followed by a concerted campaign of direct actions by Palestine Action, supported by activists from XR. A land mark in the campaign was LowKey’s performance outside the factory in October 2021.
A victory rally was held outside the factory on Tuesday11th January, see footage below. It’s an amazing achievement to rid Oldham of Elbit, but there are still nine other Elbit sites around the UK that need to close. More on information Elbit’s presence in the UK can be found on on the CAAT website. Whilst celebrating this victor, it is important that we continue to support the five brave individuals still facing prosecution for taking direct action at Elbit Oldham. Details of these court cases and others are below.
Monday 24th February: Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court:
‘Ferranti Occupiers ‘ – Pre-trial hearing of three activist that broke into the former Elbit Ferranti factory in June last year and were able to disable equipment used by for manufacture and development of weapons.
Address: The Court House, Aytoun Street Manchester M1 3FS (close to Piccadilly Gardens)
Monday 14th March – Friday 18th March: Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court:
‘Ferranti 2’ – Crown court trial (with jury) of two XR activists who carried out direct action at the former Elbit Ferranti factory in Jan 2021. The trial is scheduled to last up to 5 days.
Address: The Court House, Aytoun Street Manchester M1 3FS (close to Piccadilly Gardens)