Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture 2nd April 2014

This year’s  speaker

Daniel Machover (Head of Civil Litigation, Hickman & Rose Solicitors, London)

Are Some Or All Palestinians Victims Of Israeli Apartheid?

Daniel Machover specialises in international human rights law, civil actions against the state and representing bereaved families at inquests into deaths in custody. Daniel’s work for victims of war crimes, torture and crimes against humanity has placed him at the forefront of the movement for universal criminal jurisdiction over the most serious human rights violations and equal application of the rule of law in all circumstances. In 1988 he co-founded Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights and is now one of the trustees of the LPHR charitable trust, which runs ground-breaking legal projects. Daniel was also one of the legal advisers to the jury of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine. Daniel’s talk will focus on the matters discussed by the RTOP in Cape Town, namely the question of Israeli apartheid.

Tom Hurndall was a student at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). He was fatally wounded by the Israeli Defence Force whilst protecting Palestinian children in Gaza. He died on January 13th 2004. Since 2005 MMU has hosted a Memorial Lecture which has attracted prestigious figures willing to speak out against what was done in 2004 and what is still being done now by the Israeli State. For more details about this lecture and previous lectures, visit the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture page on Facebook. The organising group for the lecture is from MMU and Manchester University.

6.00, 2 April 2014

Lecture Theatre C0.14

John Dalton Building, MMU

location map:

Film showing: “Tears of Gaza”.

Tears of Gaza is a Norwegian anti-war documentary from 2010. It looks at Operation Cast Lead, (Israel’s massive, 22-day military assault on the Gaza Strip killing some 1,400 Palestinians), through the eyes of a group of Palestinian children.  “Disturbing, powerful and emotionally devastating, Tears of Gaza is less a conventional documentary than a record–presented with minimal gloss – of the 2008 to 2009 bombing of Gaza by the Israeli military. Photographed by several Palestinian cameramen both during and after the offensive, this powerful film by director Vibeke Løkkeberg focuses on the impact of the attacks on the civilian population. 
Tears of Gaza
 makes no overriding speeches or analyses. The situation leading up to the incursion is never mentioned. Similar events certainly occurred in Dresden, Tokyo, Baghdad and Sarajevo, but of course Gaza isn’t those places.Tears of Gaza demands that we examine the costs of war on a civilian populace.” (from the ultimate anti-war film. A compelling film about war.” – Kirk Honeycutt, The Hollywood Reporter

 Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.

7pm, Thursday 20th March 2014

 For more information contact Linda on 07985 624968

“The Quiet Deportation” – Palestinian Residency Rights in Jerusalem

By Megan Driscoll,  Jerusalemites Campaign.

Since 1967, more than 14,000 Jerusalemites have lost their residency IDs and, as such, their right to live in their city of birth.

Termed the quiet deportation, Israel’s intricate web of discriminatory policies in Jerusalem – including ID revocation, the ban on family unification, and barriers to child registration – are too often ignored in the discussion of Palestinian rights in Jerusalem.

This presentation will delve into these measures, examine their far-reaching consequences, and focus largely on what steps can be taken at the international level by policy-makers and solidarity activists alike to pressure Israel to end its efforts to ethnically cleanse the city.

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.

7pm, Thursday 20th  February 2014

  For more information contact Linda on 07985 624968

Film: “And Still They Dance”

By Musheir El-Farra

In 2005 a group of young Palestinian folk dancers from the northern refugee camp in Jabalia toured the north of England. They entertained and educated raptured audiences. This is their story, the product of 7 years’ work.

The film, “And Still They Dance” takes you from the unbridled joy of their performances to their accounts of life in a refugee camp under Israeli occupation.

Musheir El-Farra, Chair of Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign and director of “And Still They Dance”, will introduce the film and take questions after it’s screening.

Copies of the DVD will be available to buy on the night. All proceeds go towards supporting children’s projects in Gaza, Palestine.  As Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s website explains, “We currently support three childrens’ projects, and a mobile library, each project based in one of the many refugee camps which are found in the Gaza Strip. The four projects try to provide the children and young people who live in the camps with a safe place to play, socialise and to learn.”

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS. 7pm, Thursday 21st November 2013

For more information contact Linda on 07985 624968