Stop Profiting From Genocide!

Saturday 20th January, 12:00pm, St Peter’s Square Manchester. 

100 days. This is the number of days the people of Gaza have been living all kinds of horrors and suffering. 100 days that feel like 100 years for those suffering continuous bombings, torture, starvation and loss.

“Engage with tangible actions, not mere words; fortitude not despair; strength not fear”. This is what a Gaza Coalition, a group of Palestinians in Gaza and in exile, is asking the world to do, and this is exactly what we in Manchester will keep doing.

Being in Britain, our unwavering commitment to Palestinians is even more crucial. We are aware of the historical complicity of this country’s government; a complicity stretching back over 100 years. Enabling the catastrophe of Palestinians in 1948 was not enough. By supporting Israel in all ways possible in its genocidal campaign, including attacking Yemen, Britain is once again ensuring Zionist war crimes persist.

We are also aware of genocide profiteers operating right here on our doorstep; who are actively participating in genocide, be it by arming Israel or investing in any way in its murderous war machine. Manchester has shown that continued mobilisation and actions will make them cut ties. We will keep going, in our masses, to ensure all other companies fuelling murder and destruction do not go on unhinged.

Global complicity in the massacres happening in Gaza and all across Palestine must end now. It is up to us to make sure justice for Palestine must happen within our lifetime! Join us on Saturday 20th January at 12:00pm to say it loudly and clearly. Meeting at St. Peter’s square, Manchester.