Category Archives: Actions

Palestine Solidarity Campaign Actions

Stop Bombing Gaza! Justice For Palestine

We are keeping the spotlight on the horrific situation in Gaza and the worsening situation in Jerusalem and the West Bank. We call on the government and our local politicians to do all they can to get a ceasefire now and justice for Palestine.

We stand in solidarity.

Please bring banners, messages, flags and as ever, most importantly yourselves.

Join the Shenstone Shut Down

 We have the power to #ShutElbitDown

 For decades, the government has granted licences to Elbit Systems to export weapons from Shenstone to the Israeli military. Elbit provides 85% of Israel’s military drone fleet.

 Palestine Action has forced four UK companies to cut ties with Israeli Arms firm Elbit Systems in the past 3 months. Amidst a genocide, every avenue must be taken in order to isolate, damage and disrupt Israel’s war machine.

 The ongoing use of British-made drones cannot continue. An Israeli drone opened fire at a school near Al Awda, east of Khan Yunis in February 2024. It was also reported Isareli drones were used to murder civilians at the “flour massacre”. Palestinian children are being murdered daily with drones made on British soil.

Join us to demand that the UK #StopArmingIsrael because we won’t stop until we #ShutElbitDown

If you can’t be there, you can share our posts on social media!

Urgent Call to Action Tomorrow Wednesday 12:30pm

Wednesday 13/03 at 12:30pm Barclays is holding an ‘interview skills workshop’, recruiting young Manchester talent to their genocide enabling corporation. Barclays invest over £1 billion in Israeli weapons companies, including Elbit Systems who produce over 85% of Israel’s killer drones. These blood profiteers should have no space in our city and in our communities.

We’re mobilising at 12:30pm outside the corporate offices hosting the Barclays recruiters at 4 Piccadilly Place, M1 3BN

Join us and let us make it clear that we will not allow money to continue to be funnelled into the Zionist project, and used to decimate and slaughter Palestinian lives. Students of Manchester should not be manipulated to work with this war-profiteers while they are enabling the ongoing genocide that has killed over 30,000 Palestinian, including thousands of university and school students who had hopes and dreams for their futures!

We cannot allow Genocide-enablers to recruit students under the gist of a prosperous future, whilst they are ending Gazan’s futures every single day!

Stop British support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing!Stop the High Street Investors in Genocide!

Demonstration 16th March, 12pm Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester  

The Israeli regime has managed to escalate from decades of brutal siege and yearly deadly military assaults into what is now 5 months of genocide, torture and annihilation in Gaza.

People in Gaza are receiving Ramadan under starvation and bombing. This year, the streets are not full of decorations and celebrations, but flooding with blood and tears. 

Over 13000 children have now been murdered.

The barbarity we have seen is part and parcel of Israel’s ideology and practice, manifesting itself in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians going on for over 100 years. 

This could not have happened without the British establishment, starting with the Balfour declaration when Britain’s then Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, in charge of Britain’s occupation of Palestine in 1917, promised Palestine to the Zionists. 

In another disaster for the locals from the British Empire, they tried to give away a land that wasn’t theirs to give, despite the population being overwhelmingly Palestinian.
This decision continued to shape Palestinians’ lives until this day, lives full of loss, subjugation and colonial violence. 

Yet neither the impact of the declaration nor the complicity of Britain ended at that point. 

Britain maintained direct financial and military ties to Israel, allowing the flow of money and weapons into Israel’s murder machinery, supporting directly Israel’s project to destroy Palestine and erase the Palestinians.

Justice for Palestinians begins on our high streets, with Banks and investors like Barclays, BNY Mellon and AXA Insurance making huge amounts of money from the deaths of so many Palestinians.

This must end now! People here cannot detach themselves from what happens in Gaza when this country’s hands are covered in Palestinian blood. 

Being here means we have a duty to stand with Palestinians and join their fight for liberation and justice. We have a duty to stop this natural order where corporations on our streets are fueling Israeli crimes. 

The Palestinian struggle extends everywhere there is complicity in settler-colonialism and genocide, and we must all join the struggle