Category Archives: Petition

Stop Bombing Gaza – Ceasefire Now

No mobile phone reception, no internet, no way of knowing what is happening in Gaza. An attempt to hide the carpet bombing of a civilian population. 2.3 million Palestinians are without water, food, electricity, and medicine. 8,000 Palestinians murdered and our politicians have failed us.

Doctors have been told to evacuate hospitals, but the World Health Organisation have said this is impossible. Not only the hospital treating people with life changing injuries, but 14,000 Palestinians are sheltering inside the hospitals. Yet unelected Rishi Sunak and flip flop Keir Stamer are still telling us “Israel has a right to defend itself”, where is the humanity in them?

Local MP Debbie Abrahams of Oldham East and Saddleworth has signed Early Day Motion 1685, asking for an immediate de-escalation, including a ceasefire. To protect civilian life in Palestine and Israel. Local MP Jim McMahon on the other hand hasn’t signed Early Day Motion 1685, if you are one of his constituents do get in touch with him.

Our government has abstained in a vote in the United Nations General Assembly for a ceasefire, shame on Rishi Sunak, every Conservative Minister of Parliament and Local Councillors.
The United Nations General Assembly has spoken, an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce”. A General Assembly resolution is non-binding, even if most of the world wants a ceasefire.

What can we do locally?

Everyone out on Wednesday 5pm to 6pm, bring your flags. Meet at King Street roundabout.

Tell your family and friends

Please sign this if you are from Oldham West and Royton, tell MP Jim McMahon to sign EDM 1685

Gaza in Crisis: A Political Choice, Not a Natural Disaster

The world knows Gaza is in crisis. No clean water, only 3-4 hours electricity a day and not enough medicine. Nearly 2 million people live besieged in conditions the UN describes as a human dignity crisis.

But this is not a natural disaster – it is a political choice to punish the Palestinian people. A decision made by Israel with the support of the governments of the US, UK and EU.

Join us in calling for an end to the illegal blockade of Gaza by signing this petition. It only takes a minute to have your voice heard! 

Successful Stop G4S Protest and Petitioning Event

StopG4 Protest Albert Squre 3 Feb 15 (Large)

The StopG4S campaign held a successful protest in Alberts Square  last Tuesday (3rd Feb) ,  gathering signatures for their petition.  The protest took place at a rally called by Councillor Pat Karney to “Stand up for Manchester” against the cuts. Laughable, as Manchester City Council has been more interested in prostration before private contractors such as G4S than standing up for anything .

The Stop-G4S campaign will be petition on the following date and places

  • Saturday 28th  February  11-13:00 Withington Library
  • Saturday 14th March  11-13:00 Chorlton Library

Contact norma turner <> for  more information about the petition.

Details of the Petition

“G4S is a security company alleged to be involved in human rights Continue reading Successful Stop G4S Protest and Petitioning Event